Hi, I'm Victoria. I have a 500-hour yoga teacher certification with additional training and experience in meditation, restorative yoga, chair yoga, and trauma sensitive yoga.

The idea for Karmic Yoga came to me when I was on a walk through my neighborhood in early 2021. I had gone through a period of burnout after spending years working jobs that didn't align with my interests or values — those values being freedom, integrity, mindfulness, compassion, playfulness, imagination, self-sovereignty, creativity, resourcefulness, and wisdom. I felt at a spiritual crossroads and knew I needed to make a change. A few months later, Karmic Yoga was born.

I studied Buddhism, psychology, and astrology for years before opening the studio, so I love incorporating the things I’ve learned and continue to learn into my teaching, along with traditional yogic themes. Every teacher has their own style, and for me, the spiritual practice of yoga is inextricable from the physical one. It’s important to note that the spirituality I’m talking about has nothing to do with religion. It’s simply attuning yourself to your own spirit (or soul or psyche, depending on your beliefs) and the world around you. I believe doing so can help us all live with more love and peace, for ourselves and the world around us. And I believe yoga is an incredible way to restore and maintain the spirit when we begin feeling disconnected from it.

Through the services I offer, I would love to help you:

  • Align with your Higher Self

  • Finding the meaning and purpose
    within your life

  • Transmute challenging life circumstances
    into personal growth and wisdom

  • Balance and honor your emotional body

  • Heal and regulate your nervous system

  • Release energetic blockages through
    the chakras

  • Get in touch with and balance your inner
    masculine and feminine energies
    (regardless of gender)

  • Hone your inner voice or intuition

  • Tap into hidden potential and gifts

  • Embody genuine and unconditional self-love

  • Develop a personal relationship with
    whatever higher power you resonate with

  • Discover tools and techniques to do
    all of the above under your own guidance.