Surrendering to intuition and inner power

Photo by Steven Upton

A note for anyone affected by Friday’s Supreme Court decision:

Hi! I hope you’ve been enjoying the beautiful weather we’ve been having the past few days. I’ve been going to nearby parks and getting out on Lake Washington, and it’s been so fun seeing everyone out and about enjoying the summer.

Even with all this beauty and joy around us, I’ve sensed a collective heaviness in the air over the decision made by the Supreme Court effecting women’s sovereignty over their own bodies. I know we may all have different opinions regarding this issue, and I don’t want to disrespect anyone’s views. But I do just want to send a note to anyone who may be feeling this heaviness personally.

This week during classes I talked about the idea of surrender. This is a personal observation in yoga called “ishvara pranidhana” and specifically refers to self-surrender. It does not mean giving up. It means giving in to the innate wisdom that we posses. It means trusting our intuition and instincts and holding no room for doubt. So when the external world moves in opposition to what we know to be true for ourselves, it doesn’t mean we’re wrong. It means we have more work to do in the outer world.

There’s also a new moon occurring on Tuesday night in the sign of Cancer, which is a beautifully sensitive sign that represents both mother and child. Back in January, the full moon was also in Cancer and it was a time for recovering, healing, and releasing trauma to the inner child. Tuesday’s new moon will be a celebration of the mother that lies within all of us (regardless of our gender). This mother nurtures us, supports us, and protects us fiercely. She is a powerful entity unto herself — and there is absolutely nothing that can take away that kind of power.

Enjoy this new moon and the new beginnings it may inspire by taking some time to nurture yourself. Take a bath, go for a swim, sing like nobody is listening, or, if you’re so inclined, come to tomorrow night’s new moon flow at 8:30pm.

Sending you lots of love,



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