What is the meaning of “karmic?”
Victoria Kerr Victoria Kerr

What is the meaning of “karmic?”

Sometimes I make decisions really fast. When I chose my colors for this website, it was in about five seconds. I saw the pastel purple, the shiny black and thought, “Easter Sunday in the underworld, let’s go.” Naming my studio took a bit longer but not much. Knowing that I wanted my interest in astrology to play a role in the classes I taught, two names popped into my head quickly — Cosmic Yoga and Karmic Yoga. I took a walk to mull it over and decided that Cosmic Yoga felt a little gimmicky for what I was hoping to do. Karmic Yoga felt real.

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What is the “yoke” of yoga?
Victoria Kerr Victoria Kerr

What is the “yoke” of yoga?

I started writing this blog post in December when I was reeling from the death of tWitch, the dancer from So You Think You Can Dance and DJ and producer on The Ellen Show. I was raw and emotional, and the first draft I had reflected that. It might seem odd to feel that over a stranger, but I think I wasn’t alone in those feelings. When someone chooses to forgo life, the pain reverberates through us all.

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The opinions expressed in this blog are my own. For medical or mental health advice, please consult a licensed professional.